We are pleased to announce event details and registration information for the 2023 Truman Scholar Reunion! This event has been held semi-regularly stretching back over 20 years, and we are excited to once again bring together Scholars of all years, states, professional interests, and personal passions.
The Reunion this year is special as it is our first opportunity to be in-person since 2018. We loved how accessible the 2021 virtual Reunion was though, so we made the 2023 Reunion hybrid!
From Monday, July 17 to Thursday, July 20, we will be bringing together the community through virtual panels, networking sessions, and speakers. Then on Friday, July 21, to Sunday, July 23, we will be gathering in-person in DC! If DC isn't possible for you this year, but you still want to hang out with your fellow Trumans, we are also organizing regional get-togethers throughout the country!
Summary of Reunion Details:
Virtual Reunion
- Dates: Monday July 17 through Thursday July 20
- Location: Hopin Virtual Conference Software
- Cost: Free! Donations welcome ($10-30)
- Events: Panels, speakers, networking sessions
DC Reunion
- Dates: Friday July 21 through Sunday July 22
- Location: Washington DC
- Cost: Ticket prices vary (see below)
- Events: Cocktail and Hors d’ oeuvres, dinners, brunch, panels, speakers, networking
- Lodging: We have secured a small block of rooms at the Hilton. Use this link to register. More details about hotels in the region and other lodging options will be posted here
Regional get-togethers
- Dates: Whenever works for your region! Suggested for the weekend of the Reunion
- Location: Your local community picks.
- Cost: Free to attend, any drinks or food is up to the local community
- Events: The Reunion Committee will supply suggested talking points or an article or speech to talk about
Registration for the Reunion is a two-step process.
- Fill out this registration form. In this form, you can select whether you want to just attend just the virtual Reunion, just the in-person Reunion, or both!
- If you select the in-person Reunion, then use the TSA paypal account to pay the ticket costs. Ticket prices are adjusted for students, emerging professionals, and established professionals. If you would like to sponsor another Truman to attend, that is an option as well and we immensely appreciate the generosity of the Truman community.
- Ticket Prices
- Student, $80.00
- Emerging Professional, $110.00
- Established Professional, $140.00
- Established Professional + Sponsorship, $300.00
- Ticket Prices
Once you are registered, a Reunion volunteer will follow up with more information!
All information about the 2023 Reunion will be posted on this website so make sure you check back often as we confirm agenda times, panels, speakers, networking events, and any other details!
Thank you very much,
2023 Truman Scholars Reunion Planning Committee
In-person Reunion in DC:
On Friday, July 21, we will be gathering at the Truno Bar and Restaurant at the Canopy Hilton on Embassy Row during the evening for a few appetizers and drinks. Please feel free to stop by anytime after 6PM. No need to reserve in advance or buy a ticket.
On Sunday, July 23, we will be gathering once again at the Truno Bar and Restaurant at the Canopy Hilton on Embassy Row for brunch from 9AM to 11AM. Please let us know in advance if you plan on attending this brunch and the cost will be approximately $30.
Non-Traditional Routes to Public Service
- Date: Monday, July 17, at 7:30 PM
- Organizer: Kyle Gracey
- Panelists: Kyle Gracey (moderator), Jenny Magill, Rahul Rekhi, Victoria Rodríguez-Roldán, Erica Gum Burson, Julie Sweetland
International Conflicts and Crises
- Date: Tuesday, July 18, at 7:00 PM
- Organizer: Rahaf Safi
- Panelists: Paul Angelo, Andrea Haidar, Caleb (CJ) Pine, and Tess Bridgeman
Pathway to Politics
- Date: Wednesday, July 19, at 7:00 PM
- Organizer: Patrick Reimherr
- Panelists: Kesha Ram, Steven Olikara, Bryson Morgan
Tri-Sector Approaches to Impact & Change: Navigating the Post-COVID P-20W Landscape
- Date: Thursday, July 20, at 7:00 PM
- Organizer: Sam Roe, Warwick Sabin
- Panelists: Sec. John King, Danielle Gonzales, Ulcca Joshi Hansen (tentative), Gregg Behr (tentative), Alex Johnston (tentative)
Social Justice Organizing
- Date: Saturday, July 22, at 10:00 AM
- Organizer: Louis Laine/Jake Levin
- Panelists: Sawa Kamara, Jaz Brisack, 3rd TBC
- Date: Saturday, July 22, at 1:30 PM
- Organizer: Miles/Elizabeth
- Panelists: Patrick Price, Akbar Hossain, Dr. B-L
Virtual Reunion
Monday, July 17
- 7:00-7:30 PM: 2023 Truman Scholars National Reunion Kickoff
- 7:30-9:00 PM: Panel: Non-Traditional Routes to Public Service
Tuesday, July 18
- 12:00-1:00 PM: Speed Networking
- 6:30-7:00 PM: Speed Networking
- 7:00-8:30 PM: Panel: International Conflicts and Crises
8:30-10:00 PM: Networking Events (concurrent)
- FGLI Trumans Meetup
- Public Pensions: Perspectives and Q&A
- Creating Sustainable Landscapes
- Health Care/Health Equity/NGOs
Wednesday, July 19
- 12:00-1:00 PM: Speed Networking
- 3:00-4:00 PM: Networking, International Trumans Meetup
- 6:30-7:00 PM: Speed Networking
- 7:00-8:30 PM: Panel: Pathway to Politics
- 8:30-10:00 PM: Networking Events, segmented by decade (70s, 80s, etc)
Thursday, July 20
- 12:00-1:00 PM: Speed Networking
- 6:30-7:00 PM: Speed Networking
- 7:00-8:30 PM: Panel: Tri-Sector Approaches to Impact & Change: Navigating the Post-COVID P-20W Landscape
- 8:30-9:00 PM: Conclusion of Virtual Reunion
In-Person Reunion
Friday, July 21
- 6:30-9:30 PM: Local Events
Saturday, July 22
- 10:00 -11:59 AM: Panel: Social Justice Organizing
- 12:00-1:00 PM: Lunch
- 1:30-3:30 PM: Panel: Bipartisanship
- 3:30-4:30 PM: Keynote
- 4:30-8:00 PM: Cocktails
- 7:30-10:00 PM: Dine around options
- 10:00-11:00 PM: Networking
-TSA and Friends of the Truman Foundation are coordinating more closely to better serve the Truman community. TSA programs are now supported through an annual sponsorship from the Friends of the Truman Foundation.
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